Verification is a procedure (other than type approval) that ascertains and confirms, through examination and marking and/or issuing of a verification certificate, that the measuring instrument complies with statutory requirements. Verification should not be confused with calibration. Verification will not be performed unless conformity of the instrument to the approved type has been established. Calibration is an operation that under specified conditions, in a first step, establishes a relation between the quantity values with measurement uncertainties provided by measurement standards and corresponding indications with associated measurement uncertainties and, in a second step, uses this information to establish a relation for obtaining a measurement result from the indication. Calibration should not be confused with adjustment of a measuring system often mistakenly called “self-calibration”.  Calibration is not a conformity assessment activity. 

The Bureau’s Metrology Department provides verification or calibration services for the following; ·         

  • fuel dispensers 
  • standard capacity measures·          
  • compression testing machines·          
  • weights·         
  • weighing instruments (analytical balances, counter scales, platform scales,          
  • hopper scales, catchweighing systems and weighbridges)·         
  • quantity of product in prepackaged commodities

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