The Saint Lucia Bureau of Standards (SLBS) under the Chapter 13.25 is authorized to examine goods imported and manufactured locally to determine compliance with mandatory standards. As of January 3rd 2003, the monitoring of goods manufactured in and imported into Saint Lucia has been effected through the Compulsory Standards Compliance Programme.

The Compulsory Standards Compliance Programme involves the application of a fee to consignments of imported goods for services rendered to ensure imported goods meet national standards. This includes the cost for transportation and human resources.

The current CSCP fees have been in place since 2003, at that time the cost of gasoline and diesel was $7.80 and $7.00 a gallon respectively. Over the years SLBS has absorbed the additional cost as fuel and salaries increase. In other to maintain our serves at cost recovery level it has become necessary to increase CSCP fees. We have extended the number of tier to ensure fees are applied objectively.

The new fee schedule is as follows:

Compulsory Standards Compliance Programme Fees
Consignment of new tyres 0.5% CIF value
Consignment of used tyres $6 per tyre
Consignment of used tyres for trucks $9 per tyre
Consignment of Used Tyres for Machinery $12 per tyre
Other consignments below a CIF value of EC$9999.99 $30.00
Other consignments of a CIF value between EC$10,000.00 – $49,999.99 $60.00
Other  consignments of a CIF value of EC$50,000.00 – $99,999.99 $100.00
Other consignments of a CIF value of EC$100,000.00 – $499,999.99 $175.00
Other consignments equal to and above a CIF value of EC$500,000.00 $250.00

The new fees took effect on October 14th, 2019.